Celebrating International Day of The Girl Child.
This year, the theme for the International Day of Girl Child is 'Our Time Is Now --- Our Rights, Our Future.'
By Sparwa Shamoel and Maryam Ameer in West-Mosul, Tel-Afer and Shekhan Camp | 12th Oct, 2022 | English
celebrating IDG in Mosul
International Day of the Girl is an international observance day declared by the United Nations; it is also called the Day of Girls and the International Day of the Girl Child. October 11, 2012, was the first Day of the Girl Child. The observation supports more opportunities for girls and increases awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based on their gender. This inequality includes access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, protection from discrimination, violence against women, and forced child marriage.
This year, the theme for the International Day of Girl Child is 'Our Time Is Now --- Our Rights, Our Future.'
"Girls are ready for a decade of acceleration forward. It is time for us all to stand accountable -- with and for girls -- and to invest in the future that believes in their agency, leadership, and potential."
-- https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality/international-day-girl-2022
Part if Harikar's support for girls is through the activities it provides in its static and safe community centers in Zummar district, west of Mosul, and Sheikhan camp. Under the "Increasing the roles of the community leaders for supporting women and girls for better access to GBV serveces in Nineveh" project in partnership with UNICEF.
These activities include raising awareness on gender-based violence, such as, domestic violence and child marriage. To make girls aware of their rights in the society.
Providing psycho-social support programs, such as, the adolescent girls' toolkit, a collection of learning sessions and tools designed to empower adolescent girls from IDPs, Refugees, and Host communities in Iraq. The aim is to manage critical issues on life skills, Reproductive Health, Gender Based Violence (GBV), and Financial Education.
In addition, Recreational and vocational activities such as sewing courses, pastry making, and hairdressing. And allowing the girls to discover their talents through drawing and music.
"The world's 600 million adolescent girls have shown time and time again that given the skills and the opportunities, they can be the changemakers driving progress in their communities, building back stronger for all, including women, boys, and men."
-- https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality/international-day-girl-2022
This year, Harikar in partnership with UNICEF, celebrated international girl's day by conducting activities for 51 girls in three locations; Zummar, west Mosul, and Shikhan camp. The celebration in Shikhan camp was attended by the camp manager and other organizations such as Sweedo, LWF, VOP, and BCF. The activities in the three locations included:
- introduction to IGD.
- awareness of the role of girls in the community and how to protect yourself from harassment.
- recreational activities such as singing, dancing, and stories telling.
- challenges and competitions such as building towers from cardboard cups, Questions and answers on psycho-social support for girls, etc...