
Training: Empowering Agencies and Governmental Entities to Address Gender-Based Violence.

A successful training by Harikar NGO-GBV unit, to equip governmental and non-governmental agencies with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to combat gender-based violence effectively.

By Abdulrahman Saeed in Duhok | 3th Aug, 2023 | English


In a significant step towards addressing the pressing issue of gender-based violence (GBV), the Harikar NGO-GBV unit, founded by UNHCR, recently conducted a three-day training program. The training aimed to equip participants from governmental and non-governmental agencies (DMCR, BCF, and DOLSA) with a comprehensive understanding of GBV core concepts and effective case management strategies. This article delves into the key achievements of this training initiative and highlights its importance in the fight against GBV.

A Comprehensive Training Approach

The training program proved to be a resounding success, catering to 33 participants representing various governmental and non-governmental agencies actively engaged in GBV-related work. The training was thoughtfully designed to offer participants more than just theoretical knowledge. Instead, it provided them with practical skills, techniques, and strategies that could be immediately applied in both personal and professional contexts.

Key Achievements of the Training

  1. Knowledge Dissemination: One of the primary objectives of the training was to ensure participants gained an in-depth understanding of essential terms related to sexual and gender-based violence. By providing a common language, the training facilitated smoother communication and collaboration among agencies.

  2. Unified Understanding: The training played a pivotal role in harmonizing participants' comprehension of gender-based violence. By delving into its various forms, underlying causes, contributing factors, and far-reaching consequences, the program fostered a shared perspective among participants, which is essential for coordinated efforts.

  3. Preventive Strategies: Preventing GBV is as vital as responding to it. The training equipped participants with a range of strategies to tackle this issue at its roots. These strategies ranged from community awareness initiatives to the implementation of policies that address the fundamental drivers of GBV.

  4. Effective Case Management: Dealing with survivors of S/GBV requires specialized skills and sensitivity. The training effectively covered case management techniques, ensuring participants were prepared to approach survivors with compassion, provide necessary support, and connect them with appropriate resources.

  5. Immediate Applicability: Perhaps one of the most commendable aspects of the training was its emphasis on immediate applicability. By imparting skills that could be utilized both personally and professionally, the training empowered participants to take meaningful action against GBV right away.


The successful training conducted by the Harikar NGO-GBV unit, represents a significant stride forward in the fight against gender-based violence. Through its comprehensive approach, the training not only imparted knowledge but also fostered a deeper understanding of GBV and its various dimensions.